Ilısu: A Contribution to National Economy | Ticari Hayat / 20.01.2017

Veysel Eroğlu, Minister of Forestry and Water Management, declared that with a total cost of 1 billion euro Ilısu Dam and Hydroelectrical Powerplant will contribute the national economy around 1.3 billion Turkish Lira per year just from the power generation. In his declaration Minister Eroğlu pointed out that Ilısu Dam and Power Plant is one of the two pillars of GAP and added: “This project is the vision project of our country. Ilısu Dam and Hydroelectrical Powerplant, costs of 1 billion euro in total, will contribute the national economy around 1.3 billion Turkish Lira per year just from the power generation. Eroğlu stated that the region will rear up, so to speak, and said: “Ilısu Dam will increase the welfare level of the people in the region in addition to the contribution it will make to the national economy in the fields of irrigation and power. The project also contribute to decrease the unemployment problem in the region. When totally completed, it will provide an area of employment for 4000 people and hence will create a source of living for 28 thousand people in total together with the families.