Page 10 - Policy On The Protection and Processing Of Personel Data
P. 10


                 CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL                                 DESCRIPTION
                 Identity Information    :  Data  contained  on  the  identity  card  of  the  person  (Tax  number,  and
                                            documents  such  as  driving  license,  identity  card  and  passport,  etc.  that
                                            contain  information  such  as  the  full  name,  identity  number,  nationality,
                                            names of mother and father, place of birth, birth date, gender, etc. of the
                                            data owner)

                Contact Information      :  Telephone  number,  address,  e-mail,  IP  address  and  similar  contact

                Financial Information    :  Depending on the type of legal relationship our Company has established
                                            with  the  owner  of  the  personal  data,  any  type  of  personal  data  that  is
                                            processed  in  documents,  information  and  records that  demonstrate  any
                                            type of financial outcome or status, as well as other data, such as bank
                                            account  numbers,  IBANs,  credit  card  information,  financial  profile,  asset
                                            information and revenue information.

                Process           Safety  :  Personal data that is processed to ensure the technical, administrative, legal
                Information                 and commercial safety of our Company while conducting our commercial
                                            activities (logs, codes, passwords, etc.).

                Legal   Procedure   and  :  Personal data that is processed to identify and track our legal receivables
                Compliance Information      and rights, to discharge our debts, to fulfill our legal liabilities and to comply
                                            with our Company policies.

                Request/Complaint        :  Personal  data  associated with the  receipt  and  evaluation of  any  type of
                Management                  request and/or complaint forwarded to our Company.
                Visual and Auditory Data  :  Data of a visual or auditory nature, such as photographs and camera/sound

                Physical       Premises  :  Personal data found in the records and documents taken during entry into
                Security Data               and the time spent inside a physical location, such as camera records and
                                            visitor logs.

                Audit  and  Inspection  :  Personal  data  processed  during  internal  and  external  auditing  activities
                Information                 conducted as part of our Company’s legal liabilities, and in compliance with
                                            our Company’s policies

                Prospective              :   Personal data of prospective employees and/or interns who have made a
                Employee/Intern Data        job application to our Company, such as CV and interview notes.

                Vehicle Information      :  Data such as license plate information of vehicles associated with the owner
                                            of the data.

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