Page 5 - Policy On The Protection and Processing Of Personel Data
P. 5

In line with the Law and other legislation, and within the scope of the requirements detailed in the
               Policy regarding the conditions for the processing of personal data and of private personal data, the
               purposes of our Company for the processing personal data are as follows:
                   1.  The planning and/or execution of our Company’s human resources policies and processes,
                   2.  The planning and/or execution of the activities aimed at ensuring the legal and technical safety
                      of our Company and of the relevant persons in a business relationship with our Company,
                   3.  The planning and/or execution of the activities required for the purpose of customizing the
                      products and services offered by and/or on behalf of our Company according to tastes, usage
                      habits  and  needs of  relevant  people,  and  suggesting  and  promoting  such activities  to the
                      relevant people,
                   4.  The carrying out of the necessary works to ensure that the relevant people benefit from the
                      products and/or services offered by and/or on behalf of our Company, and carrying out the
                      relevant business processes for this purpose,
                   5.  The carrying out of the necessary works and other associated business processes by means of
                      our relevant business units so that the necessary business and/or operational activities can be
                      carried out by our Company,
                   6.  The planning and/or execution of our Company’s commercial and/or business strategies.

               Detailed information on the purposes behind the processing of the personal data in question can be
               found in Annex-3 (“Annex 3 - Purposes Of Personal Data Processing”) of this Policy.


               In compliance with the law, our Company can, after taking the necessary security measures, transfer
               the personal data and private personal data of the data owner to third parties for data processing
               purposes. To this end, our Company shall act in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of
               the Law. More detailed information on this subject can be found in Annex 4 to the Policy (“Annex 4 -
               Third parties to which personal data are transferred by our Company, and the purposes of such

                   3.1 Transfer of Personal Data

               Even in the absence of the explicit consent of the data owner, personal data may be transferred to
               third  parties  in  the  event  of  one  or  more  of  the  conditions  listed  below  being  present,  with  our
               Company  showing  the  necessary  diligence  and  implementing  all the  necessary  security measures,
               including the methods defined by the Board, when performing the transfer:

                     When the law clearly defines activities that may require the transfer of personal data,
                     When the transfer of personal data by the Company is related to or required for the drawing
                      up or execution of a contract,
                     When the transfer of the personal data is a requirement for our Company to fulfill its legal
                     When the personal data transferred by our Company is to the extent that the said data has
                      already been made public, provided that they have been made public by the data owner,
                     When the transfer of personal data by the company is an obligation for the Company, the data
                      owner or third parties for the ensuring, exercising or protection of their rights,
                     On  the  condition  that  the  fundamental  rights  and  freedoms  of  the  data  owner  are  not
                      infringed, when the transfer of the personal data is obligatory from the standpoint of our
                      Company’s legitimate interests,

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