The General Assembly of the European Association of International Contractors, which is held twice a year, was held in Izmir from 4 to 6 October. The meeting, which brought together 85 participants from 11 different countries, examined the global pride of Turkish building materials. Organized by the Turkish Entrepreneurs Association, the meeting explored different financing options for infrastructure development in developing countries. Serdar Urfalans, chairman of the Turkish Committee on Construction Materials, who reports to the Assembly of Exporters in Turkey (TIM), who evaluated the General Assembly, said the organization had been very productive. “The Turkish entrepreneur carries out projects in many parts of the world Today, I have witnessed a pride of place: Summa Group, Construction Center, Gülmak, Haşemoğlu Construction, YDA Construction, Doğuş Construction, Construction Nurol, Tekfen building, Yüksel construction and Yenigün Construction companies were present at the meeting, and presentations were made, and the countries that go are countries where other European entrepreneurs can not have easy proximity. he declared. Our place in the world • World leader in rebar exports. * European leader in cement exports. * Glass production is the fifth in the world and the first in Europe. * Third in Europe in the production and export of ceramic tiles. * Fourth in the world in profile exports. * World leader in marble travertine exports. * Fourth in the world in exports of heaps of processed natural products. * Eleventh largest cable exporter, sixth in Europe